Fibershed Heartland
13 counties in SW Wisconsin and 3 counties in NW Illinois
Contact: LindaDee Derrickson, Tracey Schwalbe, Mavin Lisa Giss, Jessa Lane, Lauren McElroy
Fibershed Heartland welcomes participation of fiber farmers, textile makers, clothing designers, artists, spinners, weavers, sewers, knitters, felters, crafters, dyers, tanners, mills, shops & events. We imagine a future where our clothing and textiles are both designed and made right here in the Heartland from locally grown fibers. Our 501(c)(3) non profit is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors with yearly membership fees and grants providing funds for our Mission, which is to stimulate a networking “fiberculture” of producers and users of local regenerative fibers & textiles, emphasizing the economic, environmental, and community benefits of these connections.