Producer Program
The Fibershed Producer Program is a membership-based network of farmers, ranchers, designers, sewers, weavers, knitters, felters, spinners, mill owners and natural dyers living and working within 51 counties in the North and Central regions of California. To connect with regional producers and their work, check out our Producer Directory!
Fibershed Producers follow these guidelines:
- All fiber is farmed/sourced within Northern CA, from San Luis Obispo to the Oregon border
- All botanic dye is farmed/sourced within Northern CA, from San Luis Obispo to the Oregon border
- All labor is sourced within Northern CA, from San Luis Obispo to the Oregon border
- Until the region has its own cotton and fine gauge wool milling facility, Fibershed verifies goods from farmers that have had to send their raw material out of the area for milling.
- Sewing thread and most notions are also not yet manufactured in our region, Fibershed verifies goods from artisans whose thread and notions are from out of the area.
For more detailed information, please download the Fibershed Certified Product Guidelines: Certified Product Guidelines — June, 2019
(Photos by Paige Green)

Producer Network Membership:
If you are a farmer or artisan in the Northern and Central California Fibershed and would like people to know that your work supports regional agriculture, a local and fair economy, and ecological balance, consider joining the Fibershed Producer Program. Application to join the Producer Network is found here.
Benefits of the $40 annual membership fee
- Inclusion in the Fibershed Producer Directory, which includes being on the interactive map and your business page with a brief bio, photos, your contact information and links to your social media
- Access to free educational resources, including extensive business development curriculum and the Grazier’s Toolbox
- Monthly Producer community email updates with relevant resources and event reminders
- Opportunity to be featured in the Fibershed blog which includes a professional on-site interview and photoshoot of your business, to which you will have access to photo for further use
- Inclusion of your upcoming events on the Fibershed calendar and promotion via the Fibershed email newsletter and social media channels
- Support to become part of Fibershed’s Climate Beneficial Verification program, including carbon farming educational resources, support to initiate carbon farm planning, and technical and financial assistance for completing soil carbon sampling and interpreting results
- Invitation to have a vendor booth at select Fibershed events
- Fibershed Certified Producer web-badge and Fibershed Certified Product tags (up to 100 free tags per year). Tag size: 2.75″ x 1.375″
- 10% member’s discount on all Fibershed events
- Complimentary subscription to biannual print newsletter, providing a tactile reading experience for the fiber & natural dye community
- Invitation to bi-annual producer community meet-ups
(Photo by Kalie Cassel-Feiss)
New Producer Membership Application:
**If you are renewing, please use the PayPal button in the Membership Renewals section below.
New producers residing in the Northern and Central California Fibershed may join our Producer Network via our online membership application here, which will take you to the Paypal website to pay your $40 annual membership fee when you click the Submit button. You don’t need a Paypal account to pay by credit card on the Paypal website.
If you prefer to pay by check and send us your application, you can download this fillable PDF of the membership form that you can print and mail it with your $40 check to: Fibershed, P.O. Box 221, San Geronimo, CA 94963.
For more information, please contact us at producer(AT)fibershed.org
(Photo by Paige Green)
Current Producer Members
Producer Resource Page:
Click here to access the producer member resource page. On our resource page you’ll find:
- More information on membership benefits
- Access and passwords to our Producer Business Curriculum and Grazier’s Toolbox
- Climate Beneficial Agriculture and carbon farming resources
- Archived producer newsletters
To renew your Producer membership, simply submit your $40 annual dues using the “pay now” button below.
Purchasing a Certified Producer Sign:
Once you have submitted your producer application and been approved, you are welcome to order a Certified Producer sign by submitting payment via the Paypal button below. The cost for a sign is $159, including tax and shipping