Ontario Fibreshed
Province of Ontario
Esmeralda Smith Romero – Chair
Jack Fallon – Secretary
Kelly O’Donnell – Adviser
Email: info@ontariofibreshed.com
Website: ontariofibreshed.com
Instagram: @ontariofibreshed
The Ontario Fibreshed fosters a thriving network of producers, artisans, mills, and manufacturers, united by a passion for choosing local, natural fibres and sustainable practices. Our mission is to support and promote the cultivation, production, and use of natural fibres in Ontario. Building upon our agricultural and manufacturing heritage, we work to build economically robust, fibre-based industries.
We are driven by collaboration and continuous learning. We invite everyone to learn more about our Fibreshed.
The Ontario Fibreshed a not-for-profit affiliate within the global Fibershed community.