Sunshine Coast Fibreshed
Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada (100 mi of coastline from Port Mellon to Lund, BC)
Contact: Merrily Corder, Lynda Daniells, Ann Harmer
Email: info@sunshinecoastfibreshed.ca
Website: https://sunshinecoastfibreshed.ca/
Facebook: Sunshine Coast Fibreshed
Instagram: @scfibreshed
BC’s Sunshine Coast Fibreshed is an independent, non-profit society within the international Fibreshed network. We are an affiliate of the umbrella organization, the California Fibershed, and are dedicated to following their mandate of using local fibre, local natural dyes and local labour. We are committed to building bridges between individuals and the land that produces our clothes and utilitarian items. The Sunshine Coast Fibreshed develops and nurtures a regional fibre system based on local fibre, local natural dyes, and local labour, within a culture of soil-to-soil regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices.