Fundamentals of Soil Workshop with Dr. Christine Jones

Fundamentals of Soil Workshop with Dr. Christine Jones – both dates are now sold out.
We are offering two different days for this workshop. The workshop will cover the basics of soil function, including soil carbon dynamics and the links between carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, trace elements, soil structure, and water. By understanding biological mechanisms, especially the role of plant root exudates and their relationship with the microbial communities involved in soil building, farmers and ranchers will be empowered to increase plant productivity and drought resilience. There will be an explanation of regenerative cropping, horticultural and grazing practices and how these can contribute not only to enhanced soil health but also to improved animal and human nutrition and economic bottom lines. Registration link at the bottom.
Dr. Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soils ecologist. She has a wealth of experience working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management techniques that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil. Christine has organised and participated in workshops, field days, seminars and conferences throughout Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Canada, Central America, and the USA and has a strong publication and presentation record.
Christine received a Community Fellowship Award from Land and Water Australia in 2001. The LWA Community Fellowship Program provides recognition to individuals with an outstanding track record in mobilising and inspiring the community to better manage their land, water, and vegetation.
Read more about Dr. Jones via her short CV here.
INTRODUCTION – Soils during early European settlement. What has changed – and why?
NEW KNOWLEDGE – Recent discoveries that have altered the way we think about how soil functions.
WHAT REALLY FEEDS PLANTS – How soil ecosystems supply plants with nutrients and water.
HOW THESE ECOSYSTEMS CAN BE COMPROMISED – Why certain farming practices diminish nutrient and water availability to plants and reduce overall farm performance, especially in a variable climate.
THE SOIL/FOOD DISCONNECT – By attempting to bypass soil biological processes and supply nutrients directly to plants via synthetic fertilizers, we have inadvertently created nutrient deficient foods and disease susceptible crops.
SOIL OPTIMIZATION – Characteristics of farming practices that maximize soil health, nutrient availability and water storage.
HOW IT’S DONE IN PRACTICE – How regenerative land management practices upgrade and improve farming and ranching systems.
Most farmers and ranchers want to upgrade, not downgrade, their capital, which is their SOIL.
THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL will assist in providing a sound knowledge base from which to make informed choices about inputs and practices.

Workshop is soldout
9:30 am – 4:00 pm
9:30 Registration, tea, and coffee
10:00 Introduction and details for the day
10:15 A Fresh Look at Microbes
11:30 Short break
11:45 The Extraordinary Power of Diversity
12:30 Lunch included (salad box lunch)
1:30 Grazing Management Matters!!!
3:00 Short break
3:15 Q&A
3:30 Focus on what is important! PLAN & MOVE FORWARD.
Photo credit top, above & right Paige Green