Anaheim, CA
- Artisan |
- Indigo |
- Other Dye Plants |
- Indigo |
- Other Dye Plants |
- Teaching/ Workshops |
- Pigments/ Inks/ Paints |
- Natural Dyeing |
Website judipettite.com
Email judibiohue@gmail.com
Instagram @biohue
Article on the blog: Exploring the Tactility of Color with BioHue
Judi Pettite started BioHue 2006. Engaged by the promise of artist colors from natural pigments, she’s been on the alchemical journey ever since. Judi forages, purchases, or grows the materials for the art materials as mindfully and sustainably as possible.
The inks and watercolors are made from the fewest ingredients possible allowing the beauty and personality of the source material to come through.
Photo Credit: BioHue