Bodega Pastures
Bodega, CA
- Artisan |
- Farm |
- CB Verified |
- Sheep |
- Apprenticeships/ Internships |
- Natural Dyeing |
- Teaching/ Workshops |
- Wool Grading/ Classing |
- Batting |
- Felted Goods |
- Knit Goods |
- Raw fleece/fiber |
- Roving |
- Sheepskin/ Hides |
- Yarn |
- Animal Husbandry |
- Garment Construction |
- Knitting |
- Natural Dyeing |
- Weaving |
Fibershed Marketplace page: Bodega Pastures
Email bodegapastures@gmail.com
Website www.bodeganet.com/BodegaPastures
Phone 707 327 6816
Article on the Blog: Forging Resilience on Common Ground
Bodega Pastures is a beautiful 1000-acre sheep ranch located in west Sonoma County just outside of Bodega, California. Bodega Pastures sheep are managed in an organic and humane way. We research and utilize grazing and management methods that protect both sheep and the native coastal prairie ecosystem. We rotate our flock to avoid damage to land, maintain healthy pastures, and avoid predators.
Our sheep live a good life on pasture, eating grass and drinking spring water that flows from high on our ridges. They are not confined. We farm ecologically: we do not overstock our land and we have fenced our sheep out of our creeks. We do not spray our fields for weed control . We practice natural, ecological, and ethical ranching.
Our sheep eat grasses, clover, and forbs. Prior to our midwinter lambing, we supplement our ewes’ feed with hay, which is grown on our ridge spines and bottom fields. Around the time of birth, we also feed our sheep organic alfalfa hay from California and Oregon, according to the ewes’ and lambs’ needs.
Columbia, Corriedale, Romney, Suffolk, Wensleydale, and Navajo-Churro breeds are represented in our flock. Our mixed flock is bred for wool color and texture, hardiness, and meat quality. Our wool is prized by handspinners, knitters, and weavers.
Photo Credit: Paige Green