Pepper Lane Farm
Petaluma, CA
- Farm |
- Goats |
- Indigo |
- Other Dye Plants |
- Indigo |
- Other Dye Plants |
- Knitting |
- Natural Dyeing |
Facebook Pepper Lane Farm
Our organic farm near Petaluma produces heirloom apples, olives, tomatoes, and lemons. Seeking flower, herb, and dye plant farmer for field and terraces.
I am a specialty grower of heirloom varieties and have diversified my dye plant cultivation to include indigofera tinctoria, persicaria tinctoria, madder, coreopsis, marigolds, and pomegranates for wholesale dyer supply. Will be experimenting in a greenhouse with other indigo varieties in the coming year. Welcome collaborators at all levels of the production chain.