42 events found.
Marin Sewing Lab
Calendar of Events
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1 event,
Marin Sewing Lab
Marin Sewing Lab
Want to learn new sewing techniques? Enroll in Sewing Lab, 4-week class sessions with a 2.5-hour class per week. There are usually one daytime Sewing Labs and one evening Sewing Labs during each session. There is a library of patterns of simple beginner projects available for free in the classroom. Come together in this class […]
1 event,
Marin Sewing Lab
Marin Sewing Lab
Want to learn new sewing techniques? Enroll in Sewing Lab, 4-week class sessions with a 2.5-hour class per week. There are usually one daytime Sewing Labs and one evening Sewing Labs during each session. There is a library of patterns of simple beginner projects available for free in the classroom. Come together in this class […]