Soil to Soil Ep. 12: What would it take to make our clothing regionally? with Adrian Rodrigues and Nicholas Wenner

Soil to Soil
Soil to Soil
Soil to Soil Ep. 12: What would it take to make our clothing regionally? with Adrian Rodrigues and Nicholas Wenner

In this episode we’re taking a look at manufacturing systems and learning about some of the missing links and key opportunities that would help make locally grown clothing more accessible […]

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Soil to Soil Ep. 5: How does soil connect communities and economies? With Nikki Silvestri of Soil and Shadow

Soil to Soil
Soil to Soil
Soil to Soil Ep. 5: How does soil connect communities and economies? With Nikki Silvestri of Soil and Shadow

In this episode we’re diving deep into how healthy soil, and healthy relationships, are at the core of regional economic development.  Tune in to hear from Nikki Silvestri, founder of […]

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Soil to Soil Ep. 4: Is American textile milling still alive? With Ben Hostetler of Mountain Meadow Wool Mill

Soil to Soil
Soil to Soil
Soil to Soil Ep. 4: Is American textile milling still alive? With Ben Hostetler of Mountain Meadow Wool Mill

This episode is the first in a series about how raw fiber is transformed into what we can wear and use. Infrastructure may not be the most warm and fuzzy […]

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Soil to Soil ep. 3: How do we measure the climate impact of carbon farming practices? with Dr. Keith Paustian

Soil to Soil
Soil to Soil
Soil to Soil ep. 3: How do we measure the climate impact of carbon farming practices? with Dr. Keith Paustian

Welcome to Soil to Soil, a podcast connecting the dots in the lifecycle of clothing and material culture, brought to you by Fibershed. Each episode offers a look at how, […]

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Fibershed Knitalong Roundtable

The Fibershed Knitalong is a collaborative endeavor that will support us all growing closer to the land that shelters us. It is an invitation to deepen your understanding of your region […]

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Sustainable World Radio

 Weighing our options.. how do we clothe ourselves sustainably?  Will we see individual communities begin to take more responsibility for their garments? Will large clothing manufacturers heed the call to […]

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