Watersheds within our arid and semi-arid landscapes have and will continue to experience changing precipitation patterns with climate change. This panel at the Fibershed 2021 Wool & Fine Fiber Symposium discusses rehydration of our land and aquifers & what it means to do this work at multiple scales
Watch more presentations from the 2021 Fibershed Symposium here and/or read our 2021 Symposium Takeaways Blog!
Book recommendation – “Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges” by MIT lecturer, Otto Scharmer (related podcast episode)
Dr. Andrew Fisher
- UC Water Security and Sustainability Research Initiative
- This short document describes the Recharge Net Metering (ReNeM) program in the Pajaro Valley
- Here is a short video made last year describing ReNeM
- This short video is about recharge with stormwater more generally
- DWR’s GSA map viewer
- Study showing increase in storm intensity for SF Bay area during 1890-2010
- Here is an editorial about recharge as a system service
Regina Hirsch
- Watershed Progressive Website
- Instagram – @watershedprogressive
Dennis Hutson
- TAC Farm in Allensworth, CA Website
- Book recommendation on the history of Dennis’ community, Allensworth – “Allensworth, the Freedom Colony: A California African American Township” by Alice C. Royal
Brad Lancaster
- Website (Brad’s excellent and practical resource books are available through this website: Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volumes 1 and 2)
- Instagram – @drylandwaterharvester
- Book recommendation – “Water Harvesting from Low-Standard Rural Roads” by Bill Zeedyk (https://efotg.sc.egov.usda.gov/references/public/NM/eng1a.pdf)
- Resource in presentation